I regularly check Covid stats on the govt website and take random screenshots every few weeks. They are hardly ever up to date but recently they’ve gone through some very odd transformations. For example, a few weeks ago, I noticed that the govt was showing deaths within 28 days of positive test as 162,550 (last updated 10th Aug 22) and deaths with Covid 19 on the death certificate as 169,285 (last updated 29th July 2022). This was a bit of a surprise because when I’d checked previously, in early July (see main image above for screenshot), deaths within 28 days of positive test stood at 177,977 (last updated 20th May 2022) and deaths with Covid 19 on the death certificate stood at 197,635, so it would seem that the govt had somehow, miraculously, resurrected approx. 15,427 to 28,350 people and perhaps many more because the older figures hadn’t been updated since 20th May 2022. Here’s the later screenshot, taken roughly 4 weeks later…
There was some suggestion, at the time, that the government had decided to pare down the figures and only show deaths for England (or England & Wales). However, as you can see from both the above screenshots, it clearly states that the figures were for the UK.
This week, I had yet another surprise because the website has been modified yet again. This time, they’ve put the deaths within 28 days of positive test figure back to 177,977 and indicated that this is still the figures from 20th May (so not updated now for well over 4 months) and the deaths with Covid 19 on the death certificate figure has been updated to 204,776 (updated on 16th September 2022). If I read this correctly, this suggests that we’ve lost at least another 7,141 more people to Covid in the last 3 months….
The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a new rather impressive figure wedged in the middle of the other figures. It’s the ‘Change from previous 7 days’ figure. showing a drop of 249 deaths per week (a -29% drop). However, when you check to see when that figure was last updated, you realise that it hasn’t been updated since the 19th May…
As we don’t have the latest figures and the only thing we’ve been able to deduce is that we’ve lost at least another 7,141 more people to Covid in the last 3 months, we can guess that the weekly average over those 3 months would be roughly around 550 deaths. To give you an idea of how this compares, here are some earlier screenshots of the same page over a number of months, starting from 13th May 2021. By the way, I should point out that the earlier screenshots include a daily deaths figure under the ‘deaths within 28 days of positive test’ heading. This was changed to a weekly figure earlier this year, presumably because they weren’t getting daily updates anyway. However, as we haven’t seen any updates since May on the ’28 days of positive test’ figure, it would seems they’re either not getting updates for months or that they are getting regular updates but they’re just choosing not to share them with us.
As you cans see, we’ve had some better months and we’ve had some horrendous months but there doesn’t appear to be any let up in the sheer volume of Covid deaths and, given the recent modifications, I’m finding it hard to even trust the information we can see on the government website. You get the impression the government are more concerned about narrative control than about providing people with the raw data and I’m not convinced the Covid inquiry will be able to tell us anything more either.
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