What do you do when, in order to win votes, you publicly declare a clamp down on immigration and create a hostile environment for anyone who isn’t white and then find yourself in a situation where migrant workers, including NHS Doctors are leaving the country and other’s don’t want to come to the UK because they feel more welcome elsewhere and they know they won’t have to do the long hours they have to do in this country because we have fewer staff and because the NHS is severely underfunded?
Tory solution… “maybe we could give a tax break to everyone who earns more than £110,000, so it doesn’t look like we’re having to pay immigrants a lot of money to stay in this country”
Believe it or not folks, that’s exactly what they’re thinking of doing and treasury officials are currently considering raising the £110,000 threshold to £150,000.
How they can afford to do that when there’s no more money for the NHS or social care or schools or policing or housing or transport etc and they know they have a hefty exit bill mounting up for leaving the EU is hard to explain but what’s even harder to understand is why they think they can budget for anything at all at this time, given that they haven’t a clue what sort of trade deals they’ll be able to negotiate with other countries after we leave the EU, or how that will impact the entire UK economy over the coming months and years.