Aussie researchers have announced that their CV-19 treatment clinical trials should conclude in weeks. This is not a vaccine but a range of existing drugs currently being used to treat patients with CV-19 in order to determine what’s most effective when it comes to fast recovery and saving peoples lives (will be interesting to see if their results match up with what the Chinese have been telling us all along).
According to the experts, one of the things that appears to be crucial in the success rate of treatments is early detection. In other words, the earlier you are diagnosed the sooner they can start the treatments and the greater your chances of survival.
At very least, we must now question why the government are denying front line medical staff access to Antigen testing unless they’re symptomatic, especially as you can be a carrier and be asymptomatic and unknowingly passing it on to others – people in your care and colleagues as well.
There’s an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach right now because I can’t help but wonder if the real reason why the government is refusing to roll out testing for all (as practically every other country has) is because they are still following their sick herd immunity agenda. I can’t believe that they’re simply clueless and/or incompetent, especially given the fact that they have the best medical minds available to advise them.
Call me a conspiracist if you will, but you also have to ask why the mainstream media seem to be ramping up questions about exit strategies at such a time. Did they not get the memo telling them that there is no vaccine and that there’s not likely to be one for at least a year, maybe even years? I’m sure they are aware that we’re still waiting on results of clinical trials for treatments which, lets face it, might tell us that the current available drugs for treating CV-19 symptoms are ineffective. Are they ignorantly posing these questions or secretly working with the government to pave the way for a strategy that would allow the weakest and most vulnerable in society to simply perish?