A brief summary of facts supporting the argument that the Tory government are still, secretly, following a herd immunity policy..
- The Tory government ignored early warnings from WHO
- The Tory government ignored scientific data available from other countries hit first
- They didn’t order PPE for months and are still dragging their heels today
- They didn’t order ventilation equipment for months
- They didn’t stockpile vital medicines and tests
- They Ignored communications from UK companies working to secure PPE, testing kits and ventilation equipment resulting in other countries gaining priority access and the UK critically short of stock and equipment
- The majority of key workers are still not getting tested
- NHS staff being refused tests unless they show symptoms, despite the fact you can be an asymptomatic carrier
- Almost no testing for care homes or social care workers
- Still no testing at UK airports for people coming into the country
- PM Johnson skipped 5 Cobra meetings from end of Jan and right through February.
- The Times is reporting today that Johnson is holding meetings with colleagues and doesn’t want to ease up on the lockdown but we’ve heard very little directly from the PM since he left hospital and got bundled off to Chequers 9 days ago, despite the fact that we’ve been in lockdown for over 3 weeks and the case numbers are still rising in the UK
It would be hard not to conclude, from the information above, that either we have a bunch of 10yr olds running this country or that this government’s desire to get the UK economy back on track, as quickly as possible, is taking precedence over saving human life.
Following a heard immunity agenda means sacrificing the old, the disabled, cancer patients and those with other underlying health issues, despite the fact that most of them have paid into the government’s coffers for their entire working lives and deserve to be cared for and protected. Instead, the government seems quite content to allow the disease to percolate throughout the entire UK population. The facts on the ground, as outlined above, seem to show that the government are indeed still following the herd immunity strategy.
Of course the most vulnerable are often also the most demanding on the NHS and Social Care services so it might even be appealing to Tory ministers to simply allow them to die off, as this would not only reduce demand but also, potentially, justify future cuts in funding.
Of course, some might think I’m being a tad over dramatic, even verging on conspiratorial. Well, I’d be extremely eager to hear anyone’s explanation for the facts presented in this article and perhaps someone could also explain why the government ran a campaign guilting retired doctors, nurses and care staff back to work – who happen to fall into the most vulnerable age group – but then not bother to ensure that they would have access to testing or suitable PPE?
It’s also worth noting that the sooner the government can end the lockdown and get people back to work, the less the government will need to pay out to cover costs like furloughing staff. Which is probably why you’ve seen the debate shifting to ‘planning’ how to end the lockdown, even as we still have no idea when a vaccine might be available. Given that the severity of symptoms and risk to life is greater amongst people who are either retired or out of work due to long term illness or disability, the herd immunity strategy is therefore likely to be extremely appealing to Tory ministers who believe that ending lockdown quickly with minimal impact on the workforce is worth the sacrifice of thousands of people who are now retired or no longer able to work.