We’ve been told for weeks now that the COVID-19 virus has a 2 week incubation period and we’ve been directed by the govt to self isolate for a week, if we live alone, or 14 days if we live with others.
This morning on BBC News, we saw Joanna Gosling interviewing Dr Gero Baiarda, a GP who works at the Clarence Medical Centre in Windsor. In this interview, Dr Baiarda made two quite shocking statements….
“we don’t know what the incubation period, before we develop symptoms, is. We set an arbitrary week to 2 weeks”
“we think 20-30% of people never have any symptoms and yet are infectious”
Dr Baiarda also points out that China had reported some cases where individuals didn’t show any symptoms for up to 4 weeks.
If this is true then the government’s self isolation guidelines aren’t even remotely adequate and given that up to 30% of people don’t even show symptoms, that means 30% of carriers will not be self isolating!
If this is true, the need for widespread antigen & antibody testing could not be more crucial right now!