Today, Grenfell resident, Edward Daffarn, told the Grenfell inquiry that the Kensington Council Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) behaved like a “mini-Mafia”. According to Daffarn, every time he’d tried to raise concerns about fire safety they would become “abusive”.
Daffarn had predicted a “catastrophic event” months before the fire and had even written to the London Fire Brigade back in 2014, describing the building as a “fire trap” and raising concerns that fire services would have difficulty accessing the building in the event of a fire. He’s even warned them that a fire escape had been sealed and had raised concerns over the stay-put policy.
Daffarn told the inquiry that he believes that “the culture of the Kensington Council TMO and the lack of scrutiny by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council” was “a causative factor of what happened”
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