Palestinians bulldoze Jewish Cemetery? Really? If you believe that you’ll believe anything! The thing is, to some people, that will sound a lot more shocking than hearing that the Israeli authorities are bulldozing the Palestinian cemetery of Al-Yusufiyah to build, of all things, a park. According to the Israeli authorities, this centuries old cemetery is not an authorised gravesite and Palestinians have been buried there “illicitly,” so they have a right to bulldoze it and build a park for Jewish Israelis.
The cemetery, located under the eastern wall of Jerusalem’s Old City, is centuries old and still in use but, according to Reuters, the Israeli authorities have already dug up human bones, which has, understandably, shocked and deeply disturbed many Palestinian families who have loved ones interred at the Al-Yusufiyah cemetery.
I’m fairly sure there would be total shock and outrage if the tables were turned and this was Muslims violating Jewish graves. British politicians and the British mainstream media would be scrambling to their laptops to tweet or run headlines lynching the culprits but, as it happens, because it’s Palestinian graves being violated, this story didn’t even get so much as a mention in the British news media and there’s been no political outcry as far as I’m aware. What’s clear now is that the British authorities and the British mainstream media are complicit in the dehumanisation of Palestinians.
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